God's economy is unearthly. Like His promise that when we tithe our storehouses will overflow rather than be depleted; we found when taking in no fuel we actually gained steam! It gave new meaning to what the Bible says: "His strength is made known in our weakness."

As Paulette Britton wrote in the "Prepare" section of her website, fasting really is feasting on God's Word. Call me a glutton, but I am back into two books which I'd like to recommend. Wednesday reinvigorated my prayer life and the momentum continues.
Praying Gods Will for My Husband/Son/Daughter/Wife by Lee Roberts is a series of books. I bought the husband title and can easily change the fill in the blank with my son's name or anyone else's. The prayers are really verses straight from Scripture organized by topics such as Attitude, Fear, Security, Tempted. This makes it easy to find a relevant verse to cover any given situation. For awhile I kept this in my car and as I waited for the kids in carpool line would pray through a chapter or two on their behalf.
Praying God's Word by Beth Moore is a a prayer guide addressing 14 common strongholds from guilt to pride to unforgiveness. It can be used the same way as the book above and has the added bonus of teaching from Beth Moore who is so gifted at sharing her own life experience in the light of God's grace.
One of the reasons I believe God allows disability in the world (and there are many) is that it keeps us on our knees. I don't always know what or how to pray and many times I don't even want to pray. That's when I lean on these resources. Praying God's Word back to Him is a surefire way of knowing we are asking for His will (not our own). I don't trust myself anymore to know what is best for me. I do trust Him.
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